Friday, August 7, 2009

Idea Camp Davao

If you want to make a difference.....

We are now open for registration to the second IdeaCamp Davao event! Please see the details below.

* When: Saturday, September 12, 2009 (10AM - 5PM)
* Where: UP Mindanao - School of Management (Anda Street, Davao City)
* After-event party: Why not? :-)
* How much: Admission is FREE (But slots are limited.
* What to wear: No dress code, as usual

Here's the line-up of speakers and topics so far. More will be added as confirmations come in.

Lawrence Yu
Manager, Pru Life
Topic: Personal Finance

Marlo Simon Noval
Freelancer, 3D animation extraordinaire
Topic: "I know Photoshop, I'm a Designer"

Prof. Miguel Soledad
UP Mindanao School of Management
Topic: Opportunities in the Education Sector

Winston Damarillo
Topic: -pending-

Paul Domag
Freelance Developer
Topic: Freelancing/Telecommuting (How To's and Tips)

Randell Espina
Researcher, Ateneo de Davao University
Topic: Renewable Energy Technologies

Prof. Tom Hart & Prof. Paz Hart
Center of Excellence for Education
Topic: The New Organization

Prof. Vic Calag
UP Mindanao, CS Department
Topic: Service-oriented Architecture

Victor Sapar
Non-profit Technology Consultant
Topic: -pending-

Prof. Sylvia Concepcion
UP Mindanao School of Management
Topic: -pending-

Marloue Pidor
VP for R&D, Neuraltech, Inc.
Topic: How We're Putting Mindanao on the Map

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Map Your Place

OpenStreetMap is a free editable map of the whole world. It is made by people like you. It allows you to view, edit and use geographical data in a collaborative way from anywhere on Earth.

As a member of the OpenStreetMap organization, I am inviting and encouraging everyone to contribute to this project. This will benefit each of us when we travel from place to place or just roam around any part in our city.

Be part of our advocacy so that we can all work together to create a free open-source map for our entire country of origin.

Join now!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Mapping Party in Davao

The Davao online mappers will be launching a mapping party that would cover every nook and cranny of Davao City this coming July 4, 2009.

This is a whole-day activity and mappers are grouped into teams and each team will be given a Global Positioning System (GPS) to map their respective areas in the city. Each team would either be in vehicles, in bikes or would walk around the city.

Several groups and sectors have chipped in to sponsor the mapping event, particularly on the use of the GPS equipment. We are inviting Dabawenyos to join the mapping party, assuring that there are no registration fees to be collected.

So come and be counted!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The First Transistor

In 1947, John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley, working at Bell Telephone Laboratories, were trying to understand the nature of the electrons at the interface between a metal and a semiconductor. They realized that by making two point contacts very close to one another, they could make a three terminal device - the first "point contact" transistor.
They quickly made a few of these transistors and connected them with some other components to make an audio amplifier. This audio amplifier was shown to chief executives at Bell Telephone Company, who were very impressed that it didn't need time to "warm up" (like the heaters in vacuum tube circuits). They immediately realized the power of this new technology.
This invention was the spark that ignited a huge research effort in solid state electronics. Bardeen and Brattain received the Nobel Prize in Physics, 1956, together with William Shockley, "for their researches on semiconductors and their discovery of the transistor effect." Shockley had developed a so-called junction transistor, which was built on thin slices of different types of semiconductor material pressed together. The junction transistor was easier to understand theoretically, and could be manufactured more reliably.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Facts Everyone Should Know About Lead

Why Lead Free?

Lead is a naturally occurring bluish-gray metal. Much of it comes from human activities including burning fossil fuels, mining, and manufacturing. Lead is dangerous because it disrupts the functioning of almost every brain neurotransmitter. Since the body mistakes lead for calcium, it interferes with nerve impulse transmission, heart activity and blood clotting. It has therefore been associated with diseases that affect the cardiovascular, respiratory, reproductive, and nervous systems. A person may experience the following effects depending on the amount of exposure:

Acute Exposure: Headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal spasms, fatigue, sleep disturbances, weight loss, anemia, kidney damage, and pain in arms, legs, and joints

Chronic Exposure: Impaired functions of the nervous system, kidney and brain damage, and slow mental development in children
You can protect yourself, your family, your home, and your world from the toxic effects of lead. Use only Lead-Free products.